National Demonstration against education cuts, fees and to save EMA – January 29th, assembling at 12noon
The student uprising against the Tory-led assault on the welfare state has been breathtaking.
The vote to treble tuition fees has gone through – but this is not the end.
Savage cuts, higher fees and the scrapping of EMA will have devastating consequences for young people.
Our movement has sent a clear message to the government: we will fight your immoral and illogical cuts. Now we must turn the heat up even more.
The national demonstration on January 29 in London has called by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, the Education Activist Network, the University College Union (UCU) and is supported by the Free Education Campaign.
We will be pushing for the NUS to support the demonstration at the NUS NEC emergency meeting in January. The NUS President, Aaron Porter does not currently wish to support the demo.
On the same day there will be a TUC rally and demonstration in Manchester supported by UCU and PCS youth network which we also encourage activists to attend if they cannot make it to London.
Bit disingenuous to say it this way...NUS are supporting the Manchester demo, which was announced before the London one was.
ReplyDeleteMuhammad Sharif
syed muhammad shareef